Fishes may not be the most diverse species in comparison to insects, but they are surly one of the most important. In recent news, many of the fish populations around the world have been declining due to anthropogenic interactions, as well as the fact that 1 out of every 4 people have fish as their main part of their diet. Therefore, it’s quite obvious that fish are being over fished. Most of the businesses may have been affected by it already, seeing a decline in the amount and size of the fish. This has already been noticed here in the CNMI, and yet, people continue to dump out their trash into the ocean telling their egocentric-selves that the ocean will clean it up for them. Ever seen a diaper fish? And no, it’s not literally a diaper… People need to open their minds and actually think what they need to do in order to protect not only the fishes, but as well as both fresh and salt water.
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